Get Involved
Volunteer with AMA Knoxville
Do you want to get more involved with AMA Knoxville? Ready to meet new people and be part of Knoxville's marketing community? Then you would be a perfect volunteer! We need volunteers for everything from luncheons to our annual day-long marketing conference. Anyone can help, and we try to match you up with your interests. Sign up now to work with us!
There are many ways to get more involved with AMA Knoxville through committee membership. Below are descriptions of major committees covering a variety of areas and requiring a broad spectrum of skills and abilities.
Program Committee
- Determine the yearly meeting schedule, dates and locations with the Board of Directors.
- Discuss program topics and speakers with officers.
- Select, schedule and arrange for speakers.
- Coordinate event logistics.
- Prepare meeting announcements for each program and send to the VP Communications for coverage.
To participate on this committee, contact VP of Programming.
Conference Committee
- Determine the yearly conference schedule, dates and locations with the Board of Directors.
- Discuss program topics and presenters with officers.
- Select, schedule and arrange for presenters.
- Coordinate event logistics.
- Prepare meeting announcements for each conference and send to the VP Communications for coverage.
To participate on this committee, contact VP of Conference.
Special Events Committee
- Develop themes for events.
- Coordinate event logistics.
- Inform the VP Communications for coverage.
- Develop and maintain a corporate sponsorship list.
- Contact potential sponsors for support.
- Develop a plan to acknowledge sponsors and regularly thank supporting organizations.
- Maintain an accurate record of all donations and in-kind support and report activity to the Treasurer.
To participate on this committee, contact VP of Special Events.
Membership Committee
- Know AMA membership procedures and materials.
- Communicate with chapter members about event reservations by phone, fax or email.
- Provide name tags for members and guests.
- Act on address changes, new member notification, etc., as received from AMA International Headquarters and/or members.
- Develop and conduct a recruitment program with measurable goals to meet membership goals.
- Develop and conduct a program with measurable goals to increase membership retention.
- Welcome new chapter members.
- Provide chapter officers with current member information.
- Follow up on meeting guests as prospective members.
To participate on this committee, contact VP of Membership.
Communications Committee
- Maintain a mailing list of members and prospective members for the newsletter.
- Assist in the distribution of external communications (emails, blogs, newsletters, etc.)
- Help manage AMA Knoxville's social media channels
- Maintain a permanent file of external communications as a historical record of the Chapter.
- Obtain information from other offices (President, Programming, Membership, Conferences, Special Events).
- Assist in the creation of graphics for events and other needs.
- Develop a publicity program with measurable results for the year.
- Work with Board and committee chairs to generate and distribute news releases on speakers, meetings, conferences and special events.
To participate on this committee, contact VP of Communications.
Chapter Relations Committee
- Develop a plan with measurable goals to encourage attendance and generate hospitality with chapter functions.
- Welcome members and guests at functions.
- Develop a plan with measurable results for involving members in chapter activities.
- Send cards, letters, emails or call new members about their interests and opportunities to be involved in chapter activities.
- Recommend members for appropriate committees.
To participate on this committee, contact President of AMA Knoxville.
Collegiate Relations Committee
- Evaluate applicants and select recipient of the Outstanding Marketing Student of the Year scholarship award.
- Evaluate applicants and select recipient of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) Student Exchange.
- Administrate the annual FAME (Follow A Marketing Executive) mini-internship program between professionals and students.
- Participate as a featured guest at a UTAMA meeting.
- Assist in locating and coordinating internship opportunities for UTAMA members.
To participate on this committee, contact President of AMA Knoxville.