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Outstanding Marketing Professionals

This honor is presented to a marketing practitioner whose career has promoted ethical and professional practices. In addition, the recipient’s name is given to the scholarship(s) presented to the Outstanding Marketing Students.

The criteria for this honor are as follows:

  • A 20+ year career serving as a role model for our business and marketing community;
  • Recognized marketing knowledge and skills which have enhanced the visibility, viability, and credibility of the marketing profession;
  • Possession of the qualities that are the integral to the purpose of AMA Knoxville — to enhance the professional and ethical practice of marketing, to foster educational opportunities, and to promote excellence.

The award is not given for a single marketing campaign but for cumulative marketing career achievement.

Past Recipients

2014-2015: Eddie Mannis
2013-2014: Randy Boyd
2012-2013: Townes Lavidge Osborn
2011-2012: Charles P. Tombras, Jr.
2010-2011: Cynthia Moxley
2009-2010: Ashley Capps
2008-2009: Bruce Hartmann
2007-2008: Ed Brantley
2006-2007: Mike Connor
2005-2006: Shelba Murphy
2004-2005: Steve Dean
2003-2004: Gloria Ray and David Schumann
2002-2003: Robert Woodruff
2001-2002: Scottie Mayfield
2000-2001: Bobby Denton
1999-2000: Sam Furrow
1998-1999: Pat Summitt
1997-1998: Robert W. Goodfriend
1996-1997: Donna Cobble
1995-1996: James A. Dick
1994-1995: Art Lavidge
1993-1994: J. Patrick Roddy III
1992-1993: Jim Haslam
1991-1992: John Rice Irwin
1990-1991: Jim Clayton
1989-1990: Jim Hart
1988-1989: Chris Whittle

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Outstanding Marketing Student Scholarship

This scholarship, made possible by The Eagle Endowment for Marketing Education and named for the Outstanding Marketing Professional of the Year, is awarded annually to AMA University of Tennessee Chapter members.

2014-2015: Eddie Mannis Scholarship and Townes Lavidge Osborn Marketing Scholarship - James Agan and Amelea Everett
2013-2014: Randy Boyd Scholarship and Townes Lavidge Osborn Marketing Scholarship - Shelby Ellis and Carolyn Joseph
2012-2013: Townes Lavidge Osborn Marketing Scholarship – Julianne Wilson and Chris Weller
2011-2012: Tombras Marketing Scholarship – Moltka Johnson and Michelle Quillen
2010-2011: Moxley Marketing Scholarship – Jon Birkholz, Christian Bozarth, Ryan Pack and Ryan Pamplin
2009-2010: Capps Marketing Scholarship – Wesley Nelson and Megan Nixon
2008-2009: Hartmann Marketing Scholarship – Cayci Brunson and Greg Gray
2007-2008: Brantley Marketing Scholarship – Karen Key and Ashley Elizabeth Owen
2006-2007: Connor Marketing Scholarship – Kathleen Mustard and Brian Rosh
2005-2006: Murphy Marketing Scholarship – Brian Rosh and Kristin Vonderfecht
2004-2005: Dean Marketing Scholarship – Jessica Kelly and TIffany Vickers
2003-2004: Ray and Schumann Marketing Scholarship – Mary Briton Myers and Tiffany LeeAnn Sandstrom
2002-2003: Woodruff Marketing Scholarship – Natalie Wilson
2001-2002: Mayfield Marketing Scholarship – LeeAnn Richards
2000-2001: Denton Marketing Scholarship – Kari Brotherton
1999-2000: Furrow Marketing Scholarship – Lindsey Bowyer
1998-1999: Summitt Marketing Scholarship – April Caylor
1997-1998: Goodfriend Marketing Scholarship – Brandy Leanne Barton
1996-1997: Cobble Marketing Scholarship – Mike Reeves
1995-1996: Dick Marketing Scholarship – Robert Louis Cohen
1994-1995: Lavidge Marketing Scholarship – Rachel Fowler
1993-1994: Roddy Marketing Scholarship – Christopher M. Beale
1992-1993: Haslam Marketing Scholarship – Jason Dasal and Matthew Grosvenor
1991-1992: Irwin Marketing Scholarship – Dae Lee
1990-1991: Clayton Marketing Scholarship – Kate Vitasek
1989-1990: Hart Marketing Scholarship – Vicki Allison Vaughan
1988-1989: Whittle Marketing Scholarship – Karen Mabry

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