There are many ways to get more involved with KAMA through committee membership. Below are descriptions of major committees covering a variety of areas and requiring a broad spectrum of skills and abilities. If you’d like to participate, respond by email to the addresses provided.
Program Committee
- Determine the yearly meeting schedule, dates and locations with the Board of Directors.
- Discuss program topics and speakers with officers.
- Select, schedule and arrange for speakers.
- Coordinate event logistics.
- Prepare meeting announcements for each program and send to the VP Communications for coverage.
To participate on this committee, contact
Conference Committee
- Determine the yearly conference schedule, dates and locations with the Board of Directors.
- Discuss program topics and presenters with officers.
- Select, schedule and arrange for presenters.
- Coordinate event logistics.
- Prepare meeting announcements for each conference and send to the VP Communications for coverage.
To participate on this committee, contact
Special Events Committee
- Develop themes for events.
- Coordinate event logistics.
- Inform the VP Communications for coverage.
- Develop and maintain a corporate sponsorship list.
- Contact potential sponsors for support.
- Develop a plan to acknowledge sponsors and regularly thank supporting organizations.
- Maintain accurate record of all donations and in-kind support and report activity to the Treasurer.
To participate on this committee, contact
Membership Committee
- Know AMA membership procedures and materials.
- Communicate with chapter members about event reservations by phone, fax or email.
- Provide name tags for members and guests.
- Act on address changes, new member notification, etc., as received from AMA International Headquarters and/or members.
- Develop and conduct a recruitment program with measurable goals to meet membership goals.
- Develop and conduct a program with measurable goals to increase membership retention.
- Welcome new chapter members.
- Provide chapter officers with current member information.
- Follow up on meeting guests as prospective members.
To participate on this committee, contact
Communications Committee
- Maintain a mailing list of members and prospective members for the newsletter.
- Publish and distribute a monthly newsletter for the Chapter’s operating months.
- Maintain a permanent file of newsletters and press releases as a historical record of the Chapter.
- Obtain information from other offices (President, Programming, Membership, Conferences, Special Events).
- Develop a publicity program with measurable results for the year.
- Contact the appropriate media list to maintain currency.
- Work with Board and committee chairs to generate and distribute news releases on speakers, meetings, conferences and special events.
To participate on this committee, contact
Chapter Relations Committee
- Develop a plan with measurable goals to encourage attendance and generate hospitality with chapter functions.
- Welcome members and guests at functions.
- Develop a plan with measurable results for involving members in chapter activities.
- Send cards, letters, emails or call new members about their interests and opportunities to be involved in chapter activities.
- Recommend members for appropriate committees.
To participate on this committee, contact
Collegiate Relations Committee
- Evaluate applicants and select recipient of the Outstanding Marketing Student of the Year scholarship award.
- Evaluate applicants and select recipient of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) Student Exchange.
- Administrate the annual FAME (Follow A Marketing Executive) mini-internship program between professionals and students.
- Participate as a featured guest at a UTAMA meeting.
- Assist in locating and coordinating internship opportunities for UTAMA members.
To participate on this committee, contact