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On Nov. 8, Courtney Jernigan, owner of Knoxville Graphic House, led a dynamic presentation for AMA Knoxville’s November luncheon. She discussed marketing to Millennials and developing out-of-the-box branding strategies to stand out in today’s market. With over 50 people in attendance, the luncheon was highly engaging and informative.

Wish you hadn’t missed out? Check out Courtney’s entire presentation:


Marketing to Millennials Presentation

There are a lot of negative adjectives describing the Millennial generation. In fact, it makes Millennials not even want to be Millennials! But where are these labels coming from? Generation X & Y, the Baby Boomers? Studies have shown that Millennials are all about change. That is not said for the generations before them. When you have a group that was born into creative technology like the Millennials you better believe they are going to think and act differently. But instead of labeling and cringing at a culture built on expressing themselves, let’s dive in and understand why they act and react they way they do. After all, there is money to be made.

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