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The American Marketing Association Knoxville (AMA Knoxville) held its 31st Annual Honors Ceremony on Thursday, March 7 from 6 – 8 p.m. at the Foundry on the Fair Site. Mary Ellen Brewington of Est8te Boutique was recognized as AMA Knoxville’s 2019 Outstanding Marketing Professional.

Eddie Mannis, owner of Prestige Cleaners/Tuxedo and Knoxville mayoral candidate presents 2019 Outstanding Marketing Professional Mary Ellen Brewington of Est8te Boutique with her award.

The Outstanding Marketing Professional is a lifetime achievement award presented to an individual who has made meaningful and innovative contributions to the community and in the field of marketing. Past recipients include Alan Carmichael, Jeff Lee, Jim Clayton, James A. Haslam, II, Townes Lavidge Osborn and Pat Summitt.

Attendees enjoyed dinner and drinks as AMA Knoxville celebrated Mary Ellen Brewington, recognized this past year’s AMA marketing scholarship recipients and honored AMA Knoxville’s chapter leaders with the Locander Award, Volunteer of the Year Award and STAR Award.

In addition to honoring an outstanding professional and AMA Knoxville’s chapter leaders, the annual Honors event raises funds to provide scholarships for exceptional students majoring in marketing at the University of Tennessee. This program, the Eagle Endowment for Marketing Education, has provided over $100,000 in scholarship money in an effort to preserve and grow the marketing industry.

2019 Outstanding Marketing Professional Mary Ellen Brewington presents University of Tennessee student Selin Anitsal with an AMA Marketing Scholarship.

At this year’s event, the Brewington family generously agreed to match all donations made up to $5,000. The East Tennessee Foundation, which manages the endowment, kicked-off the fundraising with a surprise $1,000 donation. Thanks to their efforts, the 2019 Honors event raised more than $10,000 for student scholarships.

2019 Outstanding Marketing Professional Mary Ellen Brewington, AMA Knoxville President Erica Coffey, and Founding AMA Member/ Former President and Outstanding Marketing Professional Townes Lavidge Osborn with a check for $1,000 from the East Tennessee Foundation for the AMA Knoxville Eagle Endowment for Marketing Education.

“Mary Ellen Brewington is so deserving of this recognition. Her dedication to marketing and to the community at large is inspirational. AMA Knoxville is grateful for all that she does, and especially for the Brewington family’s gift,” said chapter president, Erica Coffey. “The funds raised at this event ensure that we are able to continue to support the students that are the next generation of marketers.”

2019 Award Winners:

  • 2019 Outstanding Marketing Professional: Mary Ellen Brewington, Est8te Boutique

  • AMA Knoxville STAR Award: Jonathan Halley, Big Slate Media

  • AMA Knoxville President’s Award: Bethany Yandell, UT Medial Center

  • AMA Knoxville Locander Award: Susan Napier-Sewell, TapRoot | System Improvements

  • AMA Knoxville Scholarship Recipients: Selin Anitsal and Katherine Tatum

*All photos courtesy of Colby’s Photography*

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