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In 2020, marketers had to quickly adjust to virtual meetings – getting by with whatever workarounds they could manage. In 2021, marketers like you can take the lead and thrive by crafting highly memorable virtual experiences featuring high-impact speaker strategies, dynamic content, and interactivity techniques.

In this presentation, Luke Goetting provided practical, actionable insights to make your virtual conferences, all-hands meetings, and client consultations highly compelling experiences – all without the need to be a technical guru.

Current AMA Knoxville President Chris Hill introduced the event, highlighted the impact of the local chapter, thanked the board members and volunteers who help to make these virtual luncheons possible, and thanked our annual sponsors (Slamdot, Colby’s Photography, Humblepod, and Kroeger-Miller CPAs.)


About Our Presenter

Luke Goetting is an award-winning presentation specialist and director of Puffingston Presentations – a presentation agency based in Austin, Texas. Goetting specializes in crafting dynamic, interactive presentation experiences for tech companies and has developed keynotes for CES keynotes, SXSW Accelerator winners, TEDx speakers and executives at Dell, IBM, Siemens, Western Union and SAP Concur.

Prior to Puffingston Presentations, Goetting was Sales Manager at RSI Video Technologies where he developed real-world presentation techniques his team incorporates today with speakers and companies around the world. Goetting is a winner of the Best Business Prezi award and a certified Prezi Expert.


Maximizing Your Impact Virtually

Technology (and the way we use it in business) has advanced continually throughout the years. For example, 10-15 years ago we were taking all of our meetings in person. Today (even pre-COVID) many businesses take meetings exclusively online and in some cases never meet their clients in person. Now because of the pandemic we’ve shifted almost exclusively to virtual meetings.

Pandemic or not, virtual communication is inherently plagued with distraction whether that comes from devices, others in your office, or a chaotic home environment while quarantined. To combat this constant level of distraction it’s up to us to ensure we are earning and keeping our audience’s attention with thoughtfully planned, engaging presentations.


Increase Productive Exchange with Dynamic Content

Regardless of its format, the goal of every meeting is to convey information. This can be accomplished with a single presenter speaking to an audience (like a webinar or lecture) or in a setting like a panel or Q&A that provides more opportunities for audience participation and engagement.

Whenever possible, we want to find a common ground between these two formats to maximize productive exchange. Goetting offered a variety of tips for more productive, engaging presentations:

  • Establish context early. Provide any necessary history, trends, company positioning, etc…
  • Use the hero’s journey framework for storytelling to captivate your audience
  • Inspire with vision. Let your audience know where things are headed.
  • Consider a conversational format. Give your clients an opportunity to play a role in the presentation to ensure it meets their needs.
  • Address access to slides and presentation replays up from to take that concern off your participant’s mind.
  • Be prepared to give participants information on where they can learn more right now and follow up on commitments you make to them.

By implementing these tips into your presentations (whether it’s a sales meeting, training, or all-hands meeting) you’ll create a truly custom experience for your audience, increase each participant’s buy-in, and minimize risk. 



Enhance Your Presentations with Interactive Broadcasting

In the battle for attention it’s essential that you’re coming to the presentation with the best information but also the best tools for the job. And with the digital world at our fingertips, anything you can leverage on your computer can be integrated into your meetings.

Goetting shared some of his favorite tools and presentation integrations that can be used to enhance your presentations:

  • Consider creating an “intro commercial” to play prior to the start of the presentation. This acts a virtual lobby as participants get signed in to the meeting and gives you a platform to promote your company, product, or other relevant information.
  • Use a Logitech spotlight remote for added engagement and to direct your audience’s focus.
  • Explore the hundreds of design ideas and templates available from Powerpoint
  • Check out the templates and principles available from Puffingston Presentations
  • Invest in a second webcam (especially if you’re writing on a whiteboard or showing something with your hands) so you can switch views seamlessly.
  • Implement a virtual webcam software (examples include: mmhmm, Logitech, OBS, and ManyCam).
  • For advanced setups, consider investing in equipment to improve your video like professional lighting, a greenscreen, and a professional microphone.
  • Make use of audience participation tools where applicable (examples include: built-in tools on zoom, Slido, flexible slides, and navigation in your content).

In addition to bringing the right tools to the meeting you’ll want to avoid common pitfalls by monitoring your pace and keeping your pauses brief when requesting audience input to ensure that you aren’t lagging and creating opportunities for participants to become disengaged. 

Whether we like it or not, virtual is the new normal. We have a challenge for attention and must maximize our impact during virtual meetings and bring a growth mentality with us to every presentation.


Key Takeaways

  • Be strategic about how your speakers appear on-camera! Break from the “hunched over laptop” norms and evaluate how standing, gesturing and eye-contact can help your speakers establish stronger connections with virtual attendees.
  • Maximize alignment between what your speakers have to say and what your audience wants to hear! Discover how a fine dining approach to presentations leverages a compelling message, modular content and slide navigation to craft a memorable, custom experience for virtual meeting attendees.
  • With the digital world at our fingertips, there are so many ways marketers can drive engagement in virtual events and meetings: live polls, virtual webcam software, democratized Q&A and more. Explore how simple applications of technology can fundamentally alter the attendee experience.

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